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PARENT PERSPECTIVES including Parent Panels Podcasts
- Parent Perspectives: How Do We Handle Fears and Anxiety?
- Parent Perspectives: Navigating our Health and Education Systems
- Parent Perspectives: Relationships, Play, and Growth
- Parent Perspectives: Retrospective Perspective
- Parent Perspectives: Parents Listening to Autistic Self-Advocates
- Parent Perspectives: Parent Self-Regulation
- Parent Perspectives: Navigating Our Different Support Roles
- Parent Perspectives: Floortime Intensives at the DIR® Institute
- Parent Perspectives: Finding and Holding on to Floortime
MICHELE ABRAHAM-MONTGOMERY, Peer Support Specialist Supervisor
BETH AMMONS, Physician
TAYLOR ANDERSON, Speech-Language Pathologist
BROOKES BARRACK, Speech-Language Pathologist
JACKIE BARTELL, Special Educator
- Inspiring relating, communicating, and thinking at different developmental capacities
- Applying the DIR Model in a Public School
- Incorporating DIR Goals into the Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Can visual prompts about time promote understanding in Floortime?
- Floortime Tips for Behavioural Challenges at School
- Floortime Tips for Behavioural Challenges at Home
- Fostering independence
- Being versus Doing
- The Rubber Band Metaphor in Floortime
- The Conversation
- (Non)Compliance does not equal (Dys)Regulation
- Presuming Competence
AMANDA BINNS, Speech-Language Pathologist
MARILEE BURGESON, Speech-Language Pathologist
TURRELL BURGESS, Autistic Self-Advocate
JOHN CARPENTE, Music Therapist
GENE CHRISTIAN, Mental Health Counselor/Specialist
LORI CIESIELSKI, Occupational Therapist
KERRI CISKOWSKI, Occupational Therapist
MILI CORDERO, Occupational Therapist
GERRY COSTA, Psychologist
MARY BETH CRAWFORD, Physical Therapist
ADAM DAVIS, Educator
ANDREA DAVIS, Psychologist
- A User’s Guide to the Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based (DIR) Model
- Using Self-Reflection as a Tool in Floortime (includes Floortime video)
- Promoting Capacities 4 and 5 with Floortime (includes Floortime video)
- Floortime Feedback (includes Floortime video)
- Floortime Review (includes Floortime video)
- Facilitating Emotional and Logical Thinking: Part 1 (includes Floortime video)
- Facilitating Emotional and Logical Thinking: Part 2 (includes Floortime video)
- Facilitating Emotional and Logical Thinking: Part 3 (includes Floortime video)
JOSH FEDER, Child Psychiatrist
MELANIE FELLER, Speech-Language Pathologist
JOLEEN FERNALD, Speech-Language Pathologist
MIKE FIELDS, Licensed Professional Counselor
JOANN FLECKENSTEIN, Occupational Therapist
ERIN FORWARD, Speech-Language Pathologist
COLLEEN GABBERT, Occupational Therapist
IRA GLOVINSKY, Psychologist
ERIC GOLL, Life Coach
KRISTY GOSE, Mental Health Counselor/Specialist
EMILE GOUWS, Autistic Self-Advocate
HELEN GROTH, Special Educator
CHRIS HERNANDEZ, Instructional Designer/Ed Tech
KASHEENA HOLDER, Special Educator
SUSAN HOPKINS, Special Educator
JUNE ILOWITE, Occupational Therapist
SIBYLLE JANERT, Psychologist
ADAM JOHNS, Family Therapist
GRETCHEN KAMKE, Occupational Therapist
NAGWA KHEDR, Early Intervention Specialist
ALEX KLEIN, Psychologist
ANDREW KLEIN, Occupational Therapist
AMANDA KRIEGEL, Psychologist
KIM KREDICH, Parent Advocate
SANJAY KUMAR, Occupational Therapist
KEITH LANDHERR, Occupational Therapist
MAUDE LE ROUX, Occupational Therapist
- The Building Blocks of Motor Planning
- Developmental growth spurts: What to expect
- Maude Le Roux’s new Functional Developmental Autism Assessment Protocol
- Attention and Executive Function
- Inspiring relating, communicating, and thinking at different developmental capacities
- Theory of Mind is Developmental
- Remediation versus Accommodation
- Regulation Challenges through the Developmental Capacities
- A Closer Look at Impulsivity
- ADHD: A VAST Topic
- Going Slower to Move Faster
- The Impact of Vestibular Processing on Development
- The Complexity of Vision and Visual Processing
- The Somatosensory System and Tactile Perception
- Visualization leads to Imagination
- Developing Through FEDC 4 into FEDC 5
- Trauma through a DIR Lens
EUNICE LEE, Social Worker
RAE LEEPER, Educator
SARI LEVIN, Special Educator
KAREN LEVINE, Developmental Psychologist
ROBBIE LEVY, Occupational Therapist
AMY LEWIS, Occupational Therapist
TONIANN LOFTUS, Speech-Language Pathologist
SANETTE LOUWRENS, Occupational Therapist
NICOLE MANK, Marriage and Family Therapist
MAHNAZ MAQBOOL, Speech-Language Pathologist
AMY MCMUNN, Spelled Communication Practitioner
GABRIELA MICHACA, Licensed School Neuropsychologist
JULIE MILLER, Occupational Therapist
ROBERT NASEEF, Psychologist
DAVE NELSON, Licensed Professional Counselor
- Process-oriented learning inspires relating, communicating, and thinking
- Threshold Community Program: DIR for adolescents and young adults
- Online Schooling and Services during a Pandemic
- And then comes puberty…
- Curiosity as a Driver of Connection and Interaction in Adolescence
- DIR Dialogues: Parent Practitioners
GORDON NEUFELD, Developmental Psychologist
SABRINA O’KEEFE, Speech-Language Pathologist
YUJI OKA, Bodymind Practitioner
ALYSHA PAIARO, Occupational Therapist
BRIDGET PALMER, Speech-Language Pathologist
AMY PEARSON, Psychology Senior Lecturer
STEPHANIE PETERS, Occupational Therapist
KATHY PLATZMAN, Psychologist
STEPHEN PORGES, Physiologist
BARRY PRIZANT, Speech-Language Pathologist
CINDY PUCCIO, Psychologist and Social Worker
VALERIE REDEKOPP, Speech-Language Pathologist
KHYLIL ROBINSON, Autistic Self-Advocate
KIERAN ROSE, Autistic Self-Advocate
JULIANA ROSS, Creative Arts
MICKEY ROWE, Autistic Self-Advocate
COLETTE RYAN, Infant Mental Health Counselor/Specialist
- Meaning Making
- Recognizing and documenting our children’s communication cues
- Approaching Pre-Academics with Floortime
- Virtual Floortime Coaching for Parents
- The Impact of Cognitive Load on Relating, Communicating, and Thinking
- Gauging our Developmental Capacities: Part 1
- Gauging our Developmental Capacities: Part 2
- The Conversation
- Visual Spatial Planning and Assessment (ViSPA)
- A DIR Lens on Sleeping
- Floortime Supports Parental Self-Efficacy
MARIBEL SERRANO HOLDER, Speech-Language Pathologist
JEHAN SHEHATA-ABOUBAKR, Speech-Language Pathologist
KATIE SHEPHERD, Speech-Language Pathologist
MELISSA SINACORI, (Special) Educator
ANDREA SNYDER, Occupational Therapist
VIRGINIA SPIELMANN, Occupational Therapist
COURTNEY ST. GERMAIN, Occupational Therapist
MARY BETH STARK, Speech-Language Pathologist
TANYA STEINFELD, Art Teacher & Art Therapist
SERENA SUMAN, Functional Psychomotorist
JULIA SWAIGEN, Social Worker
GIL TIPPY, Psychologist
- Foundation Academics: What is it?
- Moving Up and Down Developmentally
- Setting appropriate limits and expectations by respecting where your child is at, developmentally
- Process-oriented learning inspires relating, communicating, and thinking
- Strategies Don’t Support Growth
- Dirty Hands Developmental Alliance
- Good Autism Education is just Good Education
- Floortime is also Adolescent- and Adult-Led
TONI TORTORA, Occupational Therapist
MORGAN WEISSMAN, Occupational Therapist
DONNIE WELCH, Creative Arts
ROSEMARY WHITE, Occupational Therapist
BRUCE WILSON, If I Need Help owner
NAOMI WONG, Speech-Language Pathologist