Next live events:
Monday Parent Support Meetings at 1:00 PM Eastern time
Tuesday, January 14 to March 4 Floortime Videos Parent Sessions (8 weeks)
DIR PARENT NETWORK from ICDL and Affect Autism
Our new DIR PARENT NETWORK is finally here!
ICDL’s long-awaited DIR Parent Network membership is now open:
- Opportunities to connect with other DIR parents to build your network of support
Weekly and monthly virtual parent support group meetings at different times
Monthly group parent Q&A with a DIR Expert (rotating times to accommodate parents from around the world):
- January 6: Occupational Therapist, Kerri Ciskowski
- February 3: Occupational Therapist, Maude Le Roux
- March 3: Licensed Professional Counselor, Mike Fields
- April 7: Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Karen Levine
- May 5: Occupational Therapist, Joann Fleckenstein
- June 2: Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Ira Glovinsky
- July 7: Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Kathy Platzman
- August 11: Occupational Therapist, Stephanie Gagnon of Therapy Keeper
- September 8: Speech-Language Therapist, Bridget Palmer
- October 6: Occupational Therapist, Andrea Snyder
Monthly webinars on DIR topics of interest:
Wednesday, January 22nd at 12:00 noon Eastern time: Infant Family Mental Health Specialist, Kristy Gose, “Name it to Tame It: Time for Self Reflection!”
Tuesday, February 18th at 10:00 PM Eastern time: Infant Mental Health Specialist, Dr. Colette Ryan, “Floortime for Beginners: You Matter!”
Friday, March 21st at 12:00 noon Eastern time: Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Kathy Platzman, “Self care from a DIR perspective”
Tuesday, April 22nd at 7:00 PM Eastern time: Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Robert Naseef, “From Ambiguous Loss to Acceptance”
Friday, May 9th at 1:00 PM Eastern time: Speech-Language Pathologist, Dr. Joleen Fernald, topic TBA
Thursday, June 12 at 1:00PM Eastern time: Occupational Therapist, Gretchen Kamke, topic TBA
Recordings of all past webinars and other selected presentations
- ‘We chose play’ Floortime documentary series
Access to all Affect Autism Floortime video examples bonus content
Access to all Key Takeaways PDFs from Affect Autism blog posts
Access to Daria Brown’s Insights posts from Affect Autism podcasts
DIR 120-Choosing Play: Setting Up For Success Across the Lifespan (next offering 2025)
25% off of all ICDL short courses and DIR 101: An Introduction to DIR and DIRFloortime
25% off ICDL’s live online International DIRFloortime Conference
…and more to come, based on your suggestions of what will support you best!
Let’s continue our amazing community supporting each other and build upon it!
* Specific offerings subject to change and may vary from month to month.
Live Online
* NEW DIR PARENT NETWORK * from ICDL and Affect Autism
Our new DIR PARENT NETWORK is finally here!
ICDL’s long-awaited DIR Parent Network membership is now open:
- Opportunities to connect with other DIR parents to build your network of support
Weekly and monthly virtual parent support group meetings at two different times of day to accommodate parents from many time zones and with various schedules
- Every Monday (except holidays) at 1:00 PM Eastern time with guest DIR Expert the first meeting of every month
- Thursday evenings at 9:00 PM Eastern once/month (July 25, August 22, September 19, October 3, November 28, December 9)
Monthly group parent Q&A with a DIR Expert (rotating times to accommodate parents from around the world):
- July 8: Licensed Professional Counselor and ICDL CEO, Jeff Guenzel
- August 12: Special Educator, Kasheena Holder
- August 22: SLP Naomi Wong
- September 9: Occupational Therapist, Andrea Synder
- October 3: Educator Jackie Bartell
- October 7: Speech-Language Pathologist, Bridget Palmer
- November 4: Occupational Therapist, Maude Le Roux
- December 2: Occupational Therapist, Toni Tortora
- December 9: Psychologist, Kathy Platzman
Monthly webinars on DIR topics of interest:
July: “Why a Developmental Approach?” with ICDL’s Parent Advocate Daria Brown on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 8:00 to 9:00 PM Eastern Time
August: “Behavioral Challenges” with DIR-Expert, Special Educator Jackie Bartell on Friday, August 2, 2024 at 1:00 to 2:00 PM Eastern Time
- September: “How to Bridge the Gap Between your School and Home” with DIR-Expert, Educator Kasheena Holder on Wednesday, September 18th at 8:00 to 9:00 PM Eastern Time
- October: “Developmental Building Blocks: Individual differences through the Six Developmental Capacities” with DIR-Expert, Occupational Therapist Maude Le Roux on Friday, October 11, 2024 at 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern Time
- November: “Is DIRFloortime Necessary?” with DIR-Expert, Psychologist Dr. Gil Tippy on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 6:00 to 7:00 PM Eastern Time
- December: “Parenting Neurodivergence: Three Tools to Help You Thrive” with DIR-Expert, Licensed Professional Counselor, Dave Nelson on Friday, December 13th at noon to 1:00 PM Eastern Time
Recordings of all past webinars and other selected presentations
- Open Office Hours with a DIR-Expert
‘We chose play’ Floortime documentary series
Access to all Affect Autism Floortime video examples bonus content
Access to all Key Takeaways PDFs from Affect Autism blog posts
Access to Daria Brown’s Insights posts from Affect Autism podcasts
DIR 120-Choosing Play: Setting Up For Success Across the Lifespan (next offering December 2024)
25% off of all ICDL short courses and DIR 101: An Introduction to DIR and DIRFloortime
25% off ICDL’s live online International DIRFloortime Conference
…and more to come, based on your suggestions of what will support you best!
Let’s continue our amazing community supporting each other and build upon it!
* Specific offerings subject to change and may vary from month to month.
Live Online
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
No prerequisites.
Live Online
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern Time Zone
Live Online
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
When children are receiving therapeutic services they are often seen as the center of the therapeutic process. However, for the services to be fully effective, the professionals need to also understand and engage the caregivers. This 3-hour course will explore the relationship with caregivers in the process of a client relationship. Topics covered will include the spectrum of parents and meeting the parents where they are by understanding their process and journey. How can you be the supportive and understanding practitioner whom caregivers trust and feel confident in? This course will help you raise your awareness and build your capacity for respecting the spectrum of families you see in your practice.
No prerequisites.
Live Online
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern Time Zone
Live Online
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time Zone
Live Online
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
No prerequisites.
Live Online
Mondays 1:00-2:00pm
Monthly Thursday evenings 9:00pm
Eastern Time Zone
* There will be no meetings on January 1 (New Year’s Day), January 15 (Martin Luther King Jr. holiday), February 19 (President’s Day), March 11 (March Break), April 1 (Easter), May 20 (Victoria Day), May 27 (Memorial Day)
Note: The first Monday of each month will feature a guest expert to offer additional support. January 8th: Autistic Self-Advocate, Dr. Emile Gouws, February 5th: Licensed Professional Counselor, Dave Nelson, March 4th: Speech/Language Therapist Bridget Palmer, April 8th: Infant Mental Health Specialist, Colette Ryan, May 6th: Parent Advocate, Kim Kredich, June 3rd: Bodymind Practitioner, Yuji Oka
Evening meetings 2024 (* subject to change): Thursday at 9pm on January 18, February 1, February 29, April 4, May 2, June 13
Live Online
JUN 12
6:00-9:00pm Eastern Time Zone
When children are receiving therapeutic services they are often seen as the center of the therapeutic process. However, for the services to be fully effective, the professionals need to also understand and engage the caregivers. This 3-hour course will explore the relationship with caregivers in the process of a client relationship. Topics covered will include the spectrum of parents and meeting the parents where they are by understanding their process and journey. How can you be the supportive and understanding practitioner whom caregivers trust and feel confident in? This course will help you raise your awareness and build your capacity for respecting the spectrum of families you see in your practice.
No prerequisites.
New York City
Friday & Saturday
MAR 15 & 16
9:00am Eastern Time Zone
Friday, March 15th 2024, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM US Eastern Time
Saturday, March 16th 2024, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM US Eastern Time
Daria Brown will present Under Pressure: Concerns parents bring to ICDL’s parent support meeting and how you can support them on Friday, March 15th at 2:15 – 3:15 PM
No prerequisites.
Live Online
1:00pm Eastern Time Zone
When children are receiving therapeutic services they are often seen as the center of the therapeutic process. However, for the services to be fully effective, the professionals need to also understand and engage the caregivers. This 3-hour course will explore the relationship with caregivers in the process of a client relationship. Topics covered will include the spectrum of parents and meeting the parents where they are by understanding their process and journey. How can you be the supportive and understanding practitioner whom caregivers trust and feel confident in? This course will help you raise your awareness and build your capacity for respecting the spectrum of families you see in your practice.
No prerequisites.
Live Online
FEB 28
10:00am to 1:00pm Eastern Time Zone
Musical interaction IS interaction, musical relatedness IS relatedness and musical communication IS communication. This course will provide participants with learning opportunities focused on facilitating musical-play interactions with their children through the use of percussion and singing. The course is designed for parents who would like to use music to foster self-regulation, engagement, and purposeful two-way communication.
Instructional method: Live Online lecture with video examples and live musical demonstrations.
Prerequisite: None
Live Online
NOV 3 – DEC 15
12:00pm-1:30pm Eastern Time Zone
* No class on November 24 due to American Thanksgiving
Live Online
OCT 20 – 29
Wednesday, OCT 25: 4:00-5:30pm Bringing it Back to the Model: The Second Annual DIR/Floortime Game Show! (Daria Brown joins ICDL DIR Training Leaders)
Saturday, OCT 28: 10:00-11:30am Revisiting the ‘R’: Hidden Regulators in the Development of Relationships (Live Affect Autism Podcast) (Daria Brown with guest Dr. Ira Glovinsky)
Live Online
Thursday, OCT 5
(*** Friday, OCT 6 in Australia ***)
7:00-9:30pm US Eastern Time Zone
(*** 9:00-10:30am in Sydney, Australia Time Zone ***)
AFFECT AUTISM Member Discussion #2 content will be ‘Floortime and Relationships’ with material based on the following blog posts and podcasts:
- The ‘R’ in the DIR model: Relationship-based
- Floortime as a Family Approach
- Being versus Doing
- Floortime with Family or Small Groups
- The Heart of DIR/Floortime: The ‘R’ and Genuine Affect
- Floortime Lifestyle
The reason I chose this time is because it’s a Saturday, which tends to be more flexible for many, and because it allows people from around the world to attend. It’s 6:00AM Pacific time, 2:00PM/3:00PM in UK/Europe, and 9:00 to 11:00PM in Australia. It’s the only time that ‘sort of’ fits all time zones for almost all of you!
Thursday, OCT 5
(*** Friday, OCT 6 in Australia ***)
7:00-9:30pm US Eastern Time Zone
(*** 9:00-10:30am in Sydney, Australia Time Zone ***)
When children are receiving therapeutic services they are often seen as the center of the therapeutic process. However, for the services to be fully effective, the professionals need to also understand and engage the caregivers. This 3-hour course will explore the relationship with caregivers in the process of a client relationship. Topics covered will include the spectrum of parents and meeting the parents where they are by understanding their process and journey. How can you be the supportive and understanding practitioner whom caregivers trust and feel confident in? This course will help you raise your awareness and build your capacity for respecting the spectrum of families you see in your practice.
No prerequisites.
Live Online
THURSDAY, AUG 3 at 9:00pm EDT
MONDAY, AUG 14 at 1:00pm EDT
TUESDAY, SEP 5 at 9:00pm EDT
AFFECT AUTISM Member Discussion #1 content will focus on the ‘Floortime Mindset’ referring to material from the following Affect Autism blog/podcasts:
Live Online
10:00am-1:00pm Eastern Time Zone
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
Live Online
9 Mondays
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* note there will be no meetings on May 22 or 29 due to Canadian and US Holidays, June 19 or 26 due to school break in Canada, and July 3 due to Canada Day/US Independence Day holidays.
When children are receiving therapeutic services they are often seen as the center of the therapeutic process. However, for the services to be fully effective, the professionals need to also understand and engage the caregivers. This 3-hour course will explore the relationship with caregivers in the process of a client relationship. Topics covered will include the spectrum of parents and meeting the parents where they are by understanding their process and journey. How can you be the supportive and understanding practitioner whom caregivers trust and feel confident in? This course will help you raise your awareness and build your capacity for respecting the spectrum of families you see in your practice.
No prerequisites.
Live Online
MAY 31
7:00-10:00pm Eastern Time
When children are receiving therapeutic services they are often seen as the center of the therapeutic process. However, for the services to be fully effective, the professionals need to also understand and engage the caregivers. This 3-hour course will explore the relationship with caregivers in the process of a client relationship. Topics covered will include the spectrum of parents and meeting the parents where they are by understanding their process and journey. How can you be the supportive and understanding practitioner whom caregivers trust and feel confident in? This course will help you raise your awareness and build your capacity for respecting the spectrum of families you see in your practice.
No prerequisites.
Live Online
3 Wednesdays
MAY 4-18
1:00-4:00pm Eastern Time Zone
No prerequisites.
Live Online
6 Mondays
MAR 6-APR 24
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* note there will be no meetings on March 20th due to March Break and Easter Monday, April 10th
We chose play: Season 1
Live Online
6 Mondays
JAN 9-FEB 27
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* note there will be no meeting holidays Jan 16, Feb 20
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
6 Mondays
JAN 9-FEB 27
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* note there will be no meeting holidays Jan 16, Feb 20
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. January 9th: Psychologist Gil Tippy and February 6th we have a non-DIR self-advocate guest Khylil Robinson and his autism advocate mother, Chele Abraham-Montgomery!
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
Live Online
6 Mondays
NOV 7-DEC 19
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* note there will be no meeting Nov 21st
We chose play: Season 1
Live Online
6 Mondays
SEP 12-OCT 31
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* note there will be no meeting Oct 10th for Canadian Thanksgiving holiday nor on Oct 24th due to ICDL’s annual conference
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. November 7th: Occupational Therapist Gretchen Kamke and December 5th: Special Educator Jackie Bartell.
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
6 Mondays
SEP 12-OCT 31
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* note there will be no meeting Oct 10th for Canadian Thanksgiving holiday nor on Oct 24th due to ICDL’s annual conference
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. September 12th: Colette Ryan and October 3rd: Autistic Self-advocate, Kieran Rose.
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
OCT 26
12:00pm-1:30pm Eastern Time Zone
Bringing It Back to the Model, the Original Floortime Gameshow
I will be a part of Stephanie’s Gameshow presentation.
OCT 24
2:00pm-3:30pm Eastern Time Zone
Choosing Play: Applying a DIR/Floortime Approach in Your Family
DIR/Floortime is a parent-mediated approach that can be applied in various settings of everyday life by caregivers. Participants will see a case study of how DIR/Floortime was applied in one family over a 10-year period and how caregivers can mediate their interactions with their autistic child throughout the phases of the child’s development by taking into account their individual sensory processing profiles and individual differences, and by using their relationship with their child to foster a sense of safety and security.
OCT 21
12:00pm-1:30pm Eastern Time Zone
The Music of Human Interactions: Coaching parents in the use of music in DIRFloortime® to foster interpersonal connections
I will be presenting a pre-recorded talk at this conference entitled, ‘Advocacy for your Child Starts with your Connection‘.
6 Thursdays
JUL 7-AUG 11
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. July 7th: SLP Katie Shepherd and Aug 4th: SLP Bridget Palmer.
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
6 Mondays
APR 25-JUN 13
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* No meeting May 23 (Victoria Day, Canada) and May 30 (Memorial Day, USA)
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. May 2nd: Dr. John Carpente and June 6th: Dr. Kathy Platzman
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
MAY 11
10:00am-1:00pm Eastern Time Zone
This course will be offered again in the future. Stay tuned.
6 Mondays
FEB 28-APR 11
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* No meeting Feb 21, Mar 7
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. March 14th: Jackie Bartell and April 4th: Bridget Palmer
3:00-6:00pm Eastern Time Zone
6 Mondays
JAN 10-FEB 14
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. January 10th: Psychologist Gil Tippy February 7th: Kasheena Holder, DIR Home Program
6 Mondays
NOV 1-DEC 13*
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time Zone
* No meeting on Nov 22 due to the ICDL 2021 Virtual Conference
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. November 1st: Bridget Palmer, SLP December 6th: Colette Ryan, Infant Mental Health Specialist
6 Mondays
SEP 13-OCT 25*
1:00-2:00pm E.D.T.
* No meeting on Oct 11 due to the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! Note: The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. September 13th: Dr. Kathy Platzman; October 4th: Gretchen Kamke
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
Summer 2021 bonus sessions
Monday, JUL 19 & 26 at 1:00pm E.D.T.
Friday, AUG 6 at 12:00pm E.D.T.
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world!
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers under DIR Clinics HERE or at ICDL’s DIRectory HERE or access ICDL’s DIR Home Program.
6 Mondays
JUN 7-JUL 12
1:00-2:00pm E.D.T.
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! New! The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. June 7th: SLP Bridget Palmer; July 5th: O.T. Morgan Weissman
6 Mondays
APR 12-MAY 17
1:00-2:00pm E.D.T.
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! New! The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. May 3rd: Psychologist Amanda Kriegel
5 Mondays + 1 Thursday
1:00-2:00pm E.S.T.*
* APR 8 at 2:00pm instead of Easter Monday APR 5
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! New! The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. March 1st: Jackie Bartell; April 8th: Mike Fields
6 Mondays
JAN 11-FEB 22
1:00-2:00pm E.S.T.
* no session on FEB 15th (Family Day holiday)
These are free drop-in support meetings for families who are using Floortime with their children. Parenting a child with developmental differences can be a new challenge for some parents. Let us help you find the connection and joy with your child as you support their developmental process. Daria Brown from Affect Autism facilitates these sessions. Daria is a parent and holds an Advanced Certificate in DIRFloortime. Come to one or come to all…it is up to you. Start at any point. We are here for you when you need the support, guidance, or just to share stories and experiences. These meetings are open to caregivers from anywhere around the world! New! The first week of each month will feature a DIR Expert Training Leader to offer additional support. February: Bridget Palmer
6 Mondays + 1 bonus Thursday
NOV 2-DEC 14
* Time and day changes for the month of November due to the ICDL 2020 Conference
Meeting times are changing for the month of November due to the ICDL 2020 Conference:
Mondays November 2, 9, 23 at 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Monday November 16 at 12 noon – 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Thursday, December 3rd at 12 noon – 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Back to regular time Monday December 7th and 14th at 1:00-2:00pm Eastern Standard Time
6 Mondays
SEP 14-OCT 26 + BONUS SESSION Thurs Oct 15th at 2pm E.D.T.
1:00-2:00pm E.D.T.
6 Mondays
Jul 27-AUG 31
1:00-2:00pm E.D.T.
6 Mondays
Jun 15-JUL 20
1:00-2:00pm E.D.T.
6 Mondays
1:00-2:00pm E.D.T.
JAN 13-APR 27
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time
SEP 9-DEC 16
1:00-2:00pm E.S.T.
APR 29-JUL 29
1:00-2:00pm E.D.T.
JAN 14-APR 8
1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time
SEP 10-DEC 17
1:00-2:00pm E.S.T.
APR 18-MAY 23
10:00-11:30pm E.D.T.
Building Floortime Families – An Introduction to DIR and DIR/Floortime for Parents
This is an introductory course specifically designed for parents that provides an overview of the Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based (DIR) model and Floortime. During the course, we will review the theory, research, and practice. Parents will gain an understanding of what Floortime is and why it works so well. We hope you can join us for this six week class. The price for this six week class is $99 U.S.
NOV 8 – FEB 7
8:30-10:00pm E.S.T.
An Ongoing DIRFloortime® Support, Education, and Coaching Opportunity for Parents
This is a parent peer support program led by D. Brown from Affect Autism, ICDL’s Parent Advocate. She is a parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum and holds a Master’s degree and an Advanced DIRFloortime® Certificate.
Parents often feel stressed and confused about how to best help their child on the Autism spectrum flourish and grow. These support sessions are designed to allow for parents to discuss these issues while learning more about Floortime and how a DIR® approach can help their child and their family.
The live online sessions will take place twice a month for a total of six sessions: November 8, 22, Dec 6, Jan 10, 24, and Feb 7. Each session will be 90 minutes. Pre-requisite: An Introductory Course in DIR®
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers HERE.
SEP 18 – OCT 23
8:30-10:00pm E.D.T.
Building Floortime Families – An Introduction to DIR and DIR/Floortime for Parents
This is an introductory course specifically designed for parents that provides an overview of the Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based (DIR) model and Floortime. During the course, we will review the theory, research, and practice. Parents will gain an understanding of what Floortime is and why it works so well. We hope you can join us for this six week class. The price for this six week class is $85 U.S.
JUL 12 – OCT 25
8:30-10:00pm E.D.T.
An Ongoing DIRFloortime® Support, Education, and Coaching Opportunity for Parents
This is a parent peer support program led by D. Brown from Affect Autism, ICDL’s Parent Advocate. She is a parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum and holds an Advanced DIRFloortime® Certificate.
Parents often feel stressed and confused about how to best help their child on the Autism spectrum flourish and grow. These support sessions are designed to allow for parents to discuss these issues while learning more about Floortime and how a DIR® approach can help their child and their family.
The live online sessions will take place twice a month for a total of six sessions: July 12, 26, Sep 13, 27, Oct 11, 25. Each session will be 90 minutes. Pre-requisite: An Introductory Course in DIR®
Please note: This is not a clinical treatment program. This is a parent-led support service. ICDL strongly encourages parents to also obtain professional clinical support from a DIRFloortime provider. You can search for providers HERE.
JUL 24
8:30-10:00pm E.D.T.
Engaging and Respecting Autism: A Pathway to Understanding and Engaging a Child with Autism is a 90-minute LIVE ONLINE Introduction to DIR® and DIRFloortime®.
This presentation will explore how DIR® and DIRFloortime® can help families and professionals better engage, respect, and understand Autism. Jeffrey Guenzel, MA is a Professional Counselor and the CEO of ICDL and Kathleen Platzman, PhD is a Psychologist, ICDL’s Clinical Director, and Expert DIR® Training Leader. Each presenter brings over 25 years of experience and knowledge. They will be joined by ICDL’s new Parent Advocate, D. Brown. The price for this class is only $10 U.S.
MAY 3 – JUN 7
8:30-10:00pm E.D.T.
Building Floortime Families – An Introduction to DIR® and DIR/Floortime® for Parents
This is an introductory course specifically designed for parents that provides an overview of DIR and DIR/Floortime. During the course, we will review the theory, research, and practice. Parents will gain an understanding of what Floortime is and why it works so well. We hope you can join us for this six week class. The price for this six week class is $80 U.S.
APR 26
* 3 sessions *
Engaging and Respecting Autism: A Pathway to Understanding and Engaging a Child with Autism is a 90-minute LIVE ONLINE Introduction to DIR® and DIRFloortime®.
This presentation will explore how DIR® and DIRFloortime® can help families and professionals better engage, respect, and understand Autism. Jeffrey Guenzel, MA is a Professional Counselor and the CEO of ICDL and Kathleen Platzman, PhD is a Psychologist, ICDL’s Clinical Director, and Expert DIR® Training Leader. Each presenter brings over 25 years of experience and knowledge. They will be joined by ICDL’s new Parent Advocate, Daria Brown.