Support Affect Autism
Affect Autism was created to empower parents by saving them the time and energy that we expended when our child was diagnosed with autism as we looked for the best approach. We believe a respectful, developmental approach is the only way our child will feel safe to thrive and wanted others to have access to learn about the Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based (DIR) model and Floortime. Note that Affect Autism is the parent outreach for, but remains independent from, the International Council on Development and Learning (ICDL). Daria Brown is the Parent Advocate at ICDL and facilitates the weekly Parent Support Meetings.
There are a few ways you can help support our efforts in getting the word about this wonderful developmental approach:
- Sign up for our updates
- Check out the blog/podcasts
- Tell others about Affect Autism
- Purchase the We chose play series to watch our Floortime journey
- Tell others about Autism DATA which advocates for developmental, relationship-based therapies
- Check our Services link to find practitioners in your area
- Check our Events link and sign up for the online parent support drop-in
- Become a member of Affect Autism
- Donate to ICDL, the not-for-profit home of DIR/Floortime
Become a Member of Affect Autism
Become a member of Affect Autism through our Patreon page where you can have access to Floortime videos, conference presentations, discounts on the We chose play series, your questions answered on upcoming podcasts, weekly bonus videos, and more for as little as $5 US/month, or just say thank you for as little as $2 US/month. It’s a great way to show your appreciation for the website and help to support the podcast and website.
Sign up for our updates
Sign up for our updates by clicking here and receive a free, digital copy of our publication: “10 Things You Can Do Now to support your child“. You can be assured that we will not share your information.