Also see the Advocacy link above under the About menu.
A4A Ontario blog
Autistics for Autistics Ontario (A4A Ontario) is a collective of autistic adults advocating for reform to autism funding and services, provincially and federally in Ontario, Canada, and are an international affiliate of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) and members of the Autistic Advocacy Coalition of Canada (AACC). Watch their blog to keep up on important issues.
AIDE Canada
AIDE Canada is The Autism and/or Intellectual Disability Knowledge Exchange Network that includes a free, nation-wide lending library, a database of articles and research summaries focused on autism and/or intellectual disability, a national map of autism and/or intellectual disability programs and services, a calendar of events including on-demand streaming of past recorded webinars, and several other features that we hope will be very valuable to our community that were developed after many months of community consultations, quantitative surveys and focus groups with autistic self-advocates, parents, family members, service providers and educators.
Ann Memmott
Ann Memmott’s blog and twitter feed is a fantastic resource that exposes myths and lies about autism while sharing important research.
ASD Feed-Ed
ASD Feed-Ed is the feeding education hub of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital where they have resources for children, youth, parents, caregivers and healthcare professionals about feeding in autistic children with topics including behaviour, medical, research, environment, and oral-motor.
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) Resources
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) is an American nonprofit organization run by and for autistic people. “ASAN was created to serve as a national grassroots disability rights organization for the autistic community, advocating for systems change and ensuring that the voices of autistic people are heard in policy debates and the halls of power.” Their Resources tab has great products and information for those seeking to learn more.
Autistics United Canada blog
Autistics United Canada promotes disability justice and creates connections by and for autistic people and posts news on their blog.
Center for the Developing Child
Harvard University’s Center for the Developing Child has many resources including ECD 2.0, YouTube Channel, Briefs, Multimedia, Reports & Working Papers, Presentations, Tools & Guides, and their Translation Library.
Disability Tax Credit
If you are in Canada and have a disability, or have a child with a disability, you can qualify for the Disability Tax Credit. See these information guides from Disability Credit Canada:
Empowering Ability
Empowering Ability supports loved ones with developmental disabilities to be valued citizens and create their own Awesome ‘Ordinary’ Life. Download his FREE guide HERE.
Fun and Function
Fun and Function is a site that sells all kinds of materials for making sensory rooms or sensory gyms and so much more. I found it when looking for stuff for my son. They seem to have a great selection.
Dr. Gil Tippy
See Dr. Gil Tippy’s child development blog to see what he’s up to promoting and advocating for DIRFloortime and his YouTube channel for videos of him discussing various aspects of the DIR® model.
Dr. Gordon Neufeld
The Neufeld Institute has a wonderful blog and YouTube channel that take a developmental approach to parenting issues. They also have a book list that gives you curated books using a developmental perspective.
If I Need Help
These ID tags give us peace of mind if we are out in public with our son. We put our phone numbers on the ID tag so that if he gets separated from us, we have a better chance of being reunited. I love the seatbelt tag as well. They list our emergency contacts information via the scanned image, which links to our registry with If I Need Help. Created by a family after their own horrific experience of being separated from their son in public, this company is family-run. CONTACT US FOR A COUPON CODE TO GET 10% OFF YOUR PURCHASE! The coupon code should be entered as promo code in the free sign up section and as the coupon code in the check out.

The International Council on Development and Learning – ICDL
See the YouTube channel for The International Council on Development and Learning – ICDL for some great videos discussing aspects of DIR and DIRFloortime.
The CEO’s blog is also a great resource for Floortime information and tips.
The News section has some great blogs and resources.
See the incredible resources available to parents as well including online consultations, mini-seminars, and more!

DIR 101: An Introduction to DIR® and DIRFloortime® is the 12-hour introductory course from ICDL. Contact us for a PROMO CODE to save 10% off your course tuition! Register here to learn about the model Affect Autism is based on!
Dr. Joshua Feder
See Dr. Joshua Feder’s website for a great resource of materials and information on DIRFloortime.
Kids Attuned
Kids Attuned “is a virtual village of interdisciplinary professionals and parents working together to advance understanding of the importance of healthy relationships in all infants and young children’s development.” (description from the website’s homepage)
Kieran Rose, Self-advocate
Kieran Rose’s site The Autistic Advocate has many articles, blogs and other information to re-define the autism narrative that is extremely helpful for parents trying to understand their autistic children.
Maude Le Roux and A Total Approach
See DIR Expert Training Leader and Occupational Therapist, Maude LeRoux’s clinic, A Total Approach and their blog supporting families and children with special needs, and the YouTube channel of her clinic. Maude supports professionals and parents at Maude Le Roux’s Academy online. Also see her co-authored book, Our Greatest Allies: Respect, Relationship and Intervention… a Child’s Journey which is an example of using the respectful Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based (DIR) approach. I own the Kindle copy of this book and co-author, Maude Le Roux, has played a similar role in our family!
Maui Center for Child Development
See the blog of the Maui Center for Child Development.
Meaningful Speech
Meaningful Speech is a website by Alexandria Zachos, a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) about Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) and Gestalt Language Processing (GLP) with many resources and courses.
Michelle Dawson
Michelle Dawson is an autism researcher who regularly tweets about autism studies with a keen interest in autism advocacy and human rights.
Dr. Mona Delahooke
See California pediatric psychologist Dr. Mona Delahooke’s blog for a great resource of topics looked at through the lens of the developmental approach and the DIR model.
My Disability Matters Club
The My Disability Matters Club is a FREE online community for the disability sector based on safety, respect and tolerance. Respect and tolerance for disability issues and people with disabilities is central to the MDM Community. We want you to feel welcome, safe and able to discuss anything. We aim to get rid of trolling, abuse and harrassment of people with disabilities. It is also built with accessibility in mind so it will be easier and quicker to use. Join the community and meet others, make friends, overcome loneliness and get peer support. Don’t continue to put up with the abuse and harassment on other platforms.
Natural Language Acquisition (NLA)
Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) by Marge Blanc, Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) describes NLA and Gestalt Language Processing with many articles and videos.
Non-Compliant Podcast
Non-Compliant – The Podcast by Anne Borden King covers neurodiversity, children’s rights and disability rights while exposing many myths, biases and injustices around autism. Also see some of her articles here.
The Occuplaytional Therapist
The Occuplaytional Therapist offers many resources on topics including play, sensory processing, respecting children, trauma-informed care, affirming and respecting neurodiversity, and child development.
Partners for Planning
Partners for Planning empowers peoples with disabilities and their families with free resources to create meaningful lives and secure futures, firmly rooted in community. Through their Planning Network, find webinars and free resources for creating a good life and a secure future for people with a disability and those who care for them.
Peek-A-Boost Play
Peek-a-boost play is a platform designed by two DIRFloortime® Expert Provider & Trainers for caregivers and professionals to come together, share experiences, and nurture learning environments to BOOST child development through PLAY. They share weekly posts about adult-child PLAY interactions, suggest helpful resources, talk about child development research and engage in discussions.
Play Spark
Play Spark is “a lifestyle brand dedicated to creating products that bring positivity to you, your children and your home” where you can find T-shirts, stickers and other accessories, founded by DIRFloortime practitioners, speech therapist Serena Murison and occupational therapist Kylie Jeffrey. Please see Play Spark’s Instagram Page for incredible uplifting, neurodiversity-affirming content!
The P.L.A.Y. Project
The P.L.A.Y. Project is an evidence-based, intensive, parent-implemented autism early intervention based on the Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based (DIR) model.
Profectum Parent Toolbox
See the Profectum Parent Toolbox for a great resource of information on the DIR model including many videos.
The Rebecca School
See the YouTube channel, the podcast and the blog of the Rebecca School, a DIR® school in Manhattan.
Respecting Autism
See the YouTube channel of the book Respecting Autism by Dr. Gil Tippy and Dr. Stanley Greenspan for some videos about the book, which is a case study of DIRFloortime at the Rebecca School in New York City.
Dr. Robert Naseef
See Philadelphia psychologist Dr. Robert Naseef’s blog for real life guidance for families with a developmental approach perspective.
Robyn Steward
Autistic Self-Advocate Robyn Steward has wonderful resources for autistics and has written three books including a guide for menstrual periods.
Sensory Coach
Sensory Coach is a website of Occupational Therapist Sarah Norris at the STAR Institute that has a great blog about sensory processing challenges.
Special Books by Special Kids
SBSK interviews with people in the disability/neurodiversity community to tell their story in video format which “helps educate others on what it is like to live with a disability.” SBSK “seeks to normalize the diversity of the human condition under the pillars of honesty, respect, mindfulness, positivity and collaboration.”
Spectrum Success 911
Spectrum Success 911 is a a nonprofit organization offers a range of holistic and innovative programs to empower individuals and families on the spectrum using peer support best practices and therapeutic approaches to help families build essential skills and promote positive outcomes.
Dr. Stanley Greenspan
See Dr. Stanley Greenspan’s website for a great Floortime resource for parents and look up Dr. Greenspan’s old radio shows to hear him discuss many aspects of the DIR model and Floortime. Also see his son, Jake Greenspan’s YouTube channel and Dr. Greenspan’s many books under the Books menu.
Top College Consultants (USA)
Top College Consultants helps neurodivergent individuals navigate college admissions in the United States. Hear the episode of Uniquely Human podcast discussing their process and services.
We chose play
The We chose play video series follows one family’s Floortime journey over many years with insights, tips, and reflections to support your Floortime experience.