Theory of Mind is Developmental

Theory of Mind is Developmental

Photo: Jonathan Daniels DOWNLOAD KEY TAKE-AWAYS PDF Key Takeaways PDF for MembersWe will never share your e-mail. Download Success! Maude Le Roux returns this week to discuss Theory of Mind: what it is, why it’s important, and how to foster its development in...
Self-Regulation Starts With Us

Self-Regulation Starts With Us

Photo: Tim Goedhart DOWNLOAD KEY TAKE-AWAYS PDF Key Takeaways PDF for MembersWe will never share your e-mail. Download Success! Last time, Dr. Stuart Shanker shared that the missing piece in the DIR/Floortime randomized controlled trial study at York University was...
Floortime as a Family Approach

Floortime as a Family Approach

What is DIR? What is Floortime? AUDIO DOWNLOAD KEY TAKE-AWAYS PDF Receive the Key Take-Aways PDFWe will never share your e-mail. Download Success! Most people who have heard about DIR/Floortime probably think about getting down on the floor and playing with your...
Introduction to Floortime

Introduction to Floortime

What is DIR? What is Floortime? AUDIO DOWNLOAD KEY TAKE-AWAYS PDF Key Takeaways PDF for MembersWe will never share your e-mail. Download Success! Most people that have heard about DIR/Floortime probably think about getting down on the floor and playing with your...

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