by D. Brown | Feb 16, 2016 | DIR Theory
What is DIR? What is Floortime? DOWNLOAD KEY TAKE-AWAYS PDF Key Takeaways PDF for MembersWe will never share your e-mail. Download Success! If there’s one thing I notice when I see or work with parents and their children, it’s that parents often rush...
by D. Brown | Feb 8, 2016 | DIR Theory, Video blog
Cartoon obtained from Clipart Panda What is DIR? What is Floortime? DOWNLOAD KEY TAKE-AWAYS PDF Receive the Key Take-Aways PDFWe will never share your e-mail. Download Success! For many weeks, we have been going over stumbling blocks that parents face when playing...
by D. Brown | Feb 2, 2016 | DIR Practice, Podcast, Video blog
What is DIR? What is Floortime? Podcast with Dr. Andrea Davis about her User's Guide to the DIR® Model (Time: 45:51) by Affect Autism DOWNLOAD KEY TAKE-AWAYS PDF Receive the Key...