Affect Autism Services
Building Floortime Families
Affect Autism is pleased to partner with the Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning (ICDL, Inc.) to offer a free, weekly online parent support drop-in specifically for parents and caregivers. Please see the EVENTS tab for current or upcoming offerings.
Parent Consulting
Consulting services are available for Parents, Families, Schools, Health Service Centres, Community Centres, Care Facilities, and/or anyone caring for those with special needs in the framework of the Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based (DIR®) model, and in conjunction with the Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning (ICDL, Inc.).
Our team of DIR-trained professionals can help you find the strategies to use in these settings to facilitate bringing out the child or young adult’s developmental potential by respectfully and authentically relating with them. We can help you understand the process of development, what it looks like, and how to move the child, adolescent, or adult you care for up the developmental ladder at his/her own pace fostering thinking, relating, and communicating. We can work with you in person or via the internet if you are not local.
You can also access consulting by becoming a member of Affect Autism through Patreon.
Emotional Support for Caregivers
The Grief Recovery Method® is an action-based educational program that helps you take a set of actions to complete an emotional loss. Emotional loss comes in many forms but we are focused on the loss of the future expectations parents had for their children, either before they were born or before their diagnosis.
There is a lot of grief around parenting a child with developmental challenges as much as there is great joy. Completing the feelings of loss through the steps in this method help get rid of old patterns of grief, anger, and pain that many parents feel about their reality which could include struggles with the behaviour of the child, struggles with outside family members who do not understand, tension between spouses, and so on. The Grief Recovery Method can help you move forward so you can be the supportive parent your child needs!